Pratylenchus spp.
Lesion nematode
  • Damage.   With a combined host range of greater than 400 crop plant species,  Pratylenchus spp. are among the nematodes of greatest economic impact in crops worldwide.
  • Biology.   Lesion nematodes penetrate plant roots completely and migrate throughout the root tissue, mainly the cortex, as they feed.   They produce characteristic necrotic lesions (darkened areas of dead tissue) on the surface and throughout the cortex of infected roots. 
  • Ecology.   Lesion nematodes are distributed in nearly every temperate and tropical environment.
  • Symptoms.   Above ground symptoms are often general symptoms of plant root stress.   However, high nematode populations and infection of young plants can lead to stunting, nutrient and water deficiencies, and eventual dieback.
  • Damage to other crops.  Crops of primary economic importance that are attacked by lesion nematodes include potato, coffee, banana, rice, corn, peanut, forage legumes, and many fruits.
  • Control.  The best way to manage lesion nematodes is to prevent their introduction into a field. Control with nematicides is not always successful.
  • Links and References.  Plant Disease Lessons- Lesion nematode disease.  APSNet
One or more of these nematode species currently is or could potentially be an APHIS quarantine pest.