Genus Xenocriconemella
DeGrisse and Loof, 1965

    Macroposthoniinae.  Body small, with about 100 retrorse pointed annules.  Second cephalic annule large and surrounds the first one, which is indistinct; cephalic annules not separated from body annules by a collar.  Stylet thin and flexible, 34-48% of body length or up to 110 um long.  Vulva closed, lips forming a sleeve projecting beyond body contour.  Tail short, conoid-rounded; terminal annules small.  Male with rounded head, four incisures in lateral field and a subterminal bursa.  Spicules slightly arcuate, 21-22 um long.

Type species
    Xenocriconemella macrodora  (Taylor, 1936) De Grisse & Loof, 1965
Criconemoides macrodorum Taylor, 1936
Criconemella macrodorus (Taylor) Luc & Raski, 1981
Criconema goffarti Volz, 1951
Criconemoides goffarti (Volz) Goodey, 1963
Criconemella goffarti (Volz) Siddiqi, 1986
Criconemoides juniperi Edward & Misra, 1964
Criconemella juniperi (Edward & Misra, 1964) Siddiqi, 1986
Other Species
    Xenocriconemella digrissei Lübbers & Zell, 1989
    Loof and DeGrisse (1989) pointed out that the cephalic region of Xenocriconemella macrodorus resembles that of Discocriconemella in having a small anterior head annule surrounded by a large posterior one, although the head is not disc-like as in the latter genus.  The vulva sleeve is prominent and is reminiscent of that in Aulosphora.

The type species was found in forest near Alexandria, Virginia, U.S.A.
(Description- Siddiqi, 2000)

This genus included in the Criconematid Project

Species found        at:
X. macrodora Grinnell, Iowa, Blue Mounds, Wisconsin, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Diagnosis (emended).  Female body 0.20 -0.33 mm.  Annules 99-120, smooth or crenate.  Head annules three, cap-like, continuous with body, rounded profile.  Submedian lobes absent.  Stylet 75-110 um, 30-40% of body length, flexible.  Esophagus about 50% of body length.  Stylet knobs at level of, or posterior to, metacorpus valve.  Excretory pore near metacorpal valve.  Vulva lips small, rounded,  Tail 11-18 annules, conical rounded.
MALE: Lateral incisures three, bursa small.
TYPE AND ONLY SPECIES:  Xenocriconemella macrodorus (Taylor, 1936) DeGrisse and Loof, 1965 (occurs in Canada).
(Description- Ebsary, 1982)