byAdapted from:
Part IV
Shih L. Chang (Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio)
82. (72) Stoma wide and
shallow, conspicuous,
tail filiform....... Prismatolaimus 83. (82) Gonad single ..... Cylindrolaimus 84. (83) Amphids inconspicuous ..... Tripyla 85. (71) Terminal fifth or sixth of esophagus an ovoid bulb ..... 86 86. (85) Cuticular punctations present .....87 87. (86) Amphids not spiral .....88 88. (87) Four longitudinal rows of cuticular markings present .... . Chromadora 89. (86) Amphids distinct ....90 90. (89) Female gonad double, amphid hook-shaped .....Anonchus 91. (70) Lip region annulated, not set off ..... Atylenchus 92. (69) Esophagus with basal expansion .....93 93. (92) Cuticular punctation present, amphids not circular ......94 94. (93) Ocelli (eye spots) present ...... 95 95. (94) Stoma with three equal-sized teeth ..... Chromadorina 96. (94) Cuticule with lateral longitudinal rows of punctation ..... Hypodontolaimus 97. (93) Esophageal bulb valvate ..... Prodesmodora 98. (92) Amphid anterior on body .....99 99. (98) Amphid spiral ..... Paracyatholaimus 100. (99) Stomal teeth massive ..... Oncholaimus |