Hoplolaimus species
The Lance Nematode
Damage to Corn. Hoplolaimus
is very damaging to corn seedlings early in the growing season.
Soil containing as few as 100 nematodes will cause symptoms in young plants.
Biology. At least four species
of lance nematodes affect corn. Hoplolaimus are rather stout,
large nematodes, with stylet
knobs projecting forward.
Ecology. Lance nematodes are widely distributed
in the United States, but large populations are found only in sandy or
well-drained soils.
Symptoms. Stunting can occur early
in the growing season. Although affected plants can reach the same
height as noninfected ones by the end of the season, they remain
more spindly with greatly reduced yields.
Damage to other crops. The lance nematode
has a wide host range, and has been shown to parasitize many types of
Control. Crop rotation may be effective,
if resistant crops are used. Chemical control using fumigants has
also been effective.