Hoplolaimus galeatus
The Lance Nematode
Damage to Turf. Hoplolaimus
galeatus damages turf at low populations. It is found primarily
on greens and tees.
Biology. Hoplolaimus
species are rather stout, large nematodes, with stylet
knobs projecting forward. Lance nematodes migrate through the
soil along roots, feeding as they move.
Ecology. Lance nematodes are widely distributed
in the United States, but large populations are found only in sandy or
well-drained soils.
Symptoms. Common symptoms of nematode
injury to turf are slight to severe yellowing of the foliage, thinning
of the turf canopy, reduced growth, wilting under light moisture stress,
and premature death.
Damage to other crops. The lance nematode
has a wide host range, and has been shown to parasitize many types of
Control. Chemical control using fumigants has been
References. Featured
Creatures: Lance nematode. University of Florida