Tylenchorhynchus hordei
Khan, 1972
Photo Gallery- Konza Prairie

    Holotype female:  L - 0.68 mm; a = 34; b = 5.2; c = 20.5; V = 55.8; stylet = 19 um.
    Paratype females (n = 7): L = 0.62-0.75 (0.68) mm; a = 27-34 (30.5); b = 5-6 (5.5); c = 19.4-21.0 (20.2); V = 55-57 (56); stylet = 18-19 (18.5)um.
    Paratype males (n = 6):  L = 0.64-0.70 (0.67) mm; a = 35.5-36.0 (34.7); b = 5.0-6.2 (5.6); c = 12.5-14 (13.2); stylet = 18-19 (18.5) um; spicules = 17 um; gubernaculum = 13-14 (13.5) um.

Female:  Body slightly arcuate ventrally.  Annules averaging 1.2um wide on midbody.  Lateral fields with 4 incisures.  Lip region rounded, set off from body, with 5 annules; framework lightly sclerotized.  Stylet well developed, 18-19 (18.5) um long; anterior part longer than the posterior; knobs rounded, backwardly directed.  Orifice of dorsal oesophageal gland 3.5 um behind stylet base.  Hemizonid 2 body annules long, 2 annules anterior to excretory pore which lies at base of isthmus.  Oesophagus typical of the genus;  basal bulb offset from intestine.
    Vulva a transverse slit, lacking epiptygma or lateral membranes.  Ovaries paired, outstretched.  Spermatheca rounded, with sperms.  Tail cylindrical, 2.8 anal body widths long, ending in a bluntly rounded smooth terminus, with 46 annules on its ventral side.  Phasmids slightly anterior to middle of tail.

Male:  Similar to female in general morphology.  Spicules tylenchoid, cephalate, with pointed distal end.  Gubernaculum rod-like, with proximal end directed forward when seen laterally.  Bursa well developed, completely enveloping tail.  Phasmids anterior to middle of tail, extending into bursa.

Type habitat and locality:  Soil around the roots of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. ) at Bhilwara, Rajasthan, India.

RelationshipsTylenchorhynchus hordei Khan, 1972 comes close to T. cylindricus Cobb, 1913 and T. agri Ferris, 1963.  T. cylindricus has stylet 24-27 um long, 15-16 annules on female tail and 25 um long spicules.  T. agri has 4 labial annules, 18-26 female tail annules and 22-25 um long spicules.
(Description- Khan, 1993)