Soybean aphid
Aphis glysines

For More Information on the Soybean aphid:

Univesity of Nebraska Extension

Common Characteristics:
As with all aphid this insect is small, and like many other aphids its green, a distinguishing characteristic is that its cornicles are black also if the aphid is feeding on soybean in any numbers it most likely is a soybean aphid.

Environmental Impact:
Damage occurs from feeding by the aphid on the plant sap and from the viruses it can spread, also the by product of all the feeding (honey dew) falls off of the aphids cornicles onto plant material, dries and creates sooty mold further reducing yield.

 Control at this point mainly consist of keeping tract of numbers of aphids, and the treating with insecticides, although it is warned that if the soybean is flowering that care must be taken because honey bees may be killed off.