SON PEST LIST OF PLANT NEMATODES OF REGULATORY CONCERN TO THE UNITED STATES (Updated April 29, 2002) With suggested priority ratings for complete risk assessments (PRAs) by APHIS -- H =High; M = Moderate; L = Low Priority; [*] = currently on the APHIS Regulated Pest List ( Table 1. Nematodes on the list not known to occur in the USA |
1 | Achlysiella williamsi |
2 | Anguina funesta | - | - | - |
3 | Anguina tritici** |
- |
4 | Aphelenchoides arachidis |
- |
5 | Bursaphelenchus cocophilus |
- |
6 | Bursaphelenchus mucronatus |
7 | Ditylenchus africanus |
8 | Ditylenchus angustus |
9 | Globodera pallida |
10 | Heterodera cajani |
11 | Heterodera ciceri |
12 | Heterodera delvii |
13 | Heterodera elachista- | - | - | - |
14 | Heterodera latipons |
15 | Heterodera oryzae |
16 | Heterodera oryzicola | - | - |
- |
17 | Heterodera sacchari |
18 | Hoplolaimus indicus |
19 | Longidorus attenuatus |
20 | Longidorus diadecturus |
21 | Meloidogyne acronea | - |
22 | Meloidogyne arabicida |
23 | Meloidogyne artiellia |
24 | Meloidogyne citri |
25 | Meloidogyne coffeicola |
26 | Meloidogyne donghaiensis |
- | - | - |
27 | Meloidogyne exigua |
- |
28 | Meloidogyne fallax | - | - |
29 | Meloidogyne fujianensis |
30 | Meloidogyne indica |
31 | Meloidogyne jianyangensis |
32 | Meloidogyne kongi |
33 | Meloidogyne mali | - | - | - |
34 | Meloidogyne mingnanica |
35 | Meloidogyne paranaensis |
36 | Pratylenchus fallax |
37 | Punctodera chalcoensis |
38 | Radopholus citri |
39 | Rotylenchulus macrodoratus |
40 | Subanguina wevelli |
41 | Thecavermiculatus andinus | - | - | - |
42 | Xiphinema ifacolum | - | - |
- |
43 | Xiphinema italiae |