Pratylenchus Species Key
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43. Stylet 13 - 20 um long 
43. Stylet 11 - 12 um long
P. microstylus Bajaj & Bhatti, 1984
44. Lateral field areolated; length of esophageal gland lobe about 60 u
P. pinguicaudatusCorbett, 1969
44. Lateral field not areolated or only outer band areolated, occasionally with oblique striae in middle band; esophageal gland lobe shorter than 60 um ......................45
45. Ovary reflexed 
45. Ovary outstretched .....................47
46. Lip region dome-shaped; posterior uterine branch long, about two vulval body widths long, with rudimentary ovary; tail obtuse and truncate 
P. mulchandi Nandkumar & Khera, 1970
46. Lip region flattened; posterior uterine branch short, less than one vulval body width long, without rudimentary ovary; tail subcylindrical
P. singhi Das & Sultana, 1979
47. Stylet 13 - 18 um long 
47. Stylet 18 - 20um long   ..................53
48. Vulva at 73%; tail terminus oblique-truncate with two small protuberances 
P. uralensis Romaniko, 1966
48. Vulva at 76 - 84%; tail terminus round to broadly round, truncate or with a cleft, not protuberance .................49