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Pest Description
IDENTITY: Scientific name: Meloidogyne jiangyangensis
Yang, Hu, Chen & Zhu, 1990
 Common name: A citrus root-knot nematode

NOTES ON TAXONOMY AND BIOLOGY: Female M. jiangyanensis have a rounded cuticular perineal pattern marked by coarse and fine striae. Dorsal arch is low or moderately high.. Lateral lines are indistinct (Yang et al., 1990). This root-knot nematode has sedentary endoparasitic habits. Second-stage juveniles (J2) in the soil penetrate host roots where they establish a specialized feeding site (giant cells) in the stele. AS J2 develop, they cause root swellings and become swollen females. Females rupture root cortex and some time protrude from the root surface with the egg masses. J2 emerge from the egg masses and migrate in the soil.

GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: This root-knot nematode occurs only in China (Yang et al., 1990;Vovlas and Inserra, 1996).

HOSTS: Meloidogyne jiangyanensis infects and reproduces on citrus such as mandarine (Citrus reticulata). No other hosts of this nematode are known.

CROP LOSSES: Quantification of the damage induced by this root-knot nematode to citrus in China is not available.

MEANS OF MOVEMENT AND DISPERSAL:  Through root material, soil debris and by poorly sanitized bare root propagative plant material.

RATING: (M) A moderate priority rating was given for this nematode, based on consideration given to the economic importance of citrus, a perennial crop, and the limited information available on the host range and pathways of entry for this nematode.

    Vovlas N. and R. N. Inserra. 1996. Distribution and parasitism of root-knot nematodes on citrus. Nematology Circular No. 217, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry, Gainesville, FL, USA.
    Yang, B, K. Hu, H. Chen, and W. Zhu. 1990. A new species of root-knot nematode Meloidogyne jiangyangensis n. sp. parasitizing mandarin orange. Acta Phytopathological Sinica 20:259-264.