Longidorus species
The Needle Nematode

  • Damage to Corn.   Needle Nematode can be one of the most devastating diseases of corn- causing yield reductions of up to 62% in severely affected areas.
  • Biology.   Longidorus breviannulatus  is a large nematode, females measure about4 -5 mm long, (males are rare).
  • Ecology.   Largest populations of Longidorus occur in soil with a sand content of 90% or more.  Most nematodes are found early in the growing season. Damage may be noticed within two weeks after seedling emergence.
  • Symptoms.   Stunted plants appear to be under drought stress, and appear in oval or oblong patches in an affected field.  Scarcity of small feeder roots may give the root system a coarse appearance.
  • Damage to other crops. 
  • Control.  Crop rotation will help if graminaceous weeds are kept in check.
One or more of these nematode species currently is or could potentially be an APHIS quarantine pest.