House Sparrow (Weaver Finch)
Passer domesticus

Male House Sparrow

Female House Sparrow

Distribution of House Sparrows 
in North America

For More Information on House Sparrows:

Cornell University Ornithology Dept.

'Birds of Britain' Birdguide

North American Bluebird Society 
(Control of sparrows)

(See Map Below)  Can be found anywhere in the United States.
Status in Nebraska:  Can be found in good numbers throughout most habitat in Nebraska, but are scarce in the Sandhills area, except near farms or ranches.

This bird is native to Eurasia and Northern Africa.

Introduction to U.S.: 
Introduced in 1853 to control the canker worm.

Size: 5½-6¼".  Males are brown and black streaked with white wing bars, black on throat, chestnut line through eye.  Females streaked above, gray below, stripe behind eye.

House Sparrows eat a variety of seeds and grains, sometimes obtained from livestock feed or livestock droppings. They also eat insects, spiders, and fruits in the summer.

House sparrows nest in structures ranging from gutters and downspouts to thick shrubs and bushes, but readily take to nest boxes when available. They effectively out-compete native cavity-nesting birds, and are known to destroy nests and eggs and kill nestlings and adults while taking over a nest site.

Control Methods:
House Sparrows are not protected by the United States government.  Portable traps, ground trapping, and controlling available food, shelter, and housing are favorable methods of controlling House Sparrows.