Helicotylenchus dihystera
(Cobb, 1892) Sher, 1961

 L= 0.65-0.84 mm, a= 24-31, b= 5.6-6.5, b’=4.5- 5.5, c= 38-49, c’=0.9-1.3, V= 60-64, stylet = 25-29
Measurments from topotypes, around sugarcane Harwood, Australia

Female: Body usually in spiral shape. Lip region hemispherical, 4-5 often indistinct annules. Spear knobs with indented anterior surfaces. Excretory pore at anterior end of esophageal glands. Hemizonid just anterior to ex. pore. Hemizonion usually not visible. Spermatheca usually conspicuous, offset without sperm. Phasmids 5-11 annules anterior to level of anus. Tail more curved dorsally, usually slight ventral projection, 6-12 annules. Males rare.
Anderson, 1974 states this is one of the smallest and least common Helicotylenchus species in Canada.
(Description- Sher, 1966; and Anderson, 1974)