Genus Aglenchus
Andrassy, 1954
(Andrassy, 1954)  Meyl, 1961

Diagnosis of Geraert, 1991
Atylenchinae. Body 0.4-0.7mm long, straight to slightly curved. Cuticle distinctly annulated, annuli usually 1.5 - 2um wide (extreme values: 1.3 - 2.4um). Lateral field with two ridges that are usually close to each other giving three lateral lines; when the two ridges are slightly separated four lines are visible, the two inner ones closer together. More or less rounded amphidial apertures on head front (subfamily character), with lateral offshoot in Aglenchus dakotensis male. Head smooth. Stylet 9 - 13 um long, anterior conical part always slightly smaller than posteior cylindrical part. Advulval papillae dorsosublateral, anterior to vulva. Vulva sunken with smaller inner lips and usually with large lateral flaps. Vagina obliquely forward, walls usually thickened; no postvulval uterine sac. Spermatheca offset, oval to rounded, usually with sperm. tail filiform. Males with adanal bursa, spicules slightly curved; cloacal lips form an elongate tube (slightly offset in some A. agricola males).

Biotic notes: Aglenchus agricola is cosmopolitan. Very common and widespread in Europe, it feeds on grasses and clover (Bongers, 1988); it is not only found in arable soil and meadows but in all kinds of noncultivated soils, in mountain regions, and even in freshwater. A. muktii is known from India and USA (California), A. mardanensis from Pakistan, and A. dakotensis from USA (North Dakota). It could be that these species are more widespread but because of their overall resemblance with the type species have been considered as A. agricola.

Species found:        at:
Aglenchus agricola Konza Prairie, Haughton Crater  
A. dakotensis Konza Prairie
A. muktii Konza Prairie

Species list from Ebsary, 1991