Emended Key to Superfamilies of Criconematina Siddiqi, 1980
based on Siddiqi, 2000

Females and juveniles with thin cuticle bearing fine round annules; isthmus slender and offset from basal bulb
Females and juveniles with thick cuticle, bearing coarse, round or retrorse annules, some ornamented with scales, spines or other appendages; body sheath present in some genera; oesophagus with isthmus broad and amalgamated with basal bulb
Females and juveniles elongate-vermiform, usually over 0.6 mm long; annules round, lacking cuticular outgrowths; male with elongate tail and high bursa
Females and juveniles spindle- or sausage-shaped, usually under 0.5 mm long; annules retrorse (except secondarily becoming rounded in females of most Hemicriconemoides spp.), may have cuticular outgrowths; male with short tail and low or no bursa