Pictorial Identification Guide to
the Suborder Criconematina Siddiqi, 1980
Characters of the Suborder- below

An illustrated scheme
based on face view
Crossonema Criconema Nothocriconemoides Ogma Discocriconemella Discocriconemella Ogma Macroposthonia curvata Macroposthonia Hemicaloosia Criconematid
Characters of the Suborder include:
(based on Siddiqi, 2000)
Cuticle may...
be thin and finely
be thick and
coasely annulated
have scales, spines,
have extra
cuticular sheath
Six lip areas- may be fused
forming labial disc
large knobs,
often anchor-shaped
characteristic Criconematoid oesophagus
vulva posterior- usually >85%
stylet with short shaft- about 8-10 um long



Males degenerate, lack stylet