Genus Monhystera
Bastian, 1865
Synonym:  Monohystera of de Man and others
             Tachyhodites Bastian, 1865
             Theristus Bastian, 1865 (in part)
             (Oligomonohystera) Micoletzky, 1922
             Diplohystera Onorato-de Cillis, 1928 [1917 nomen nudum]
             Allomonhystera Micoletzky, 1923
Photo Gallery- Konza Prairie

GEN. CHAR. Body mostly tapering considerably posteriorly. Caudal sucker small, somewhat pointed.  Integument unstriated; setae very few; lateral circular mark on either side near anterior extremity. Pharyngeal cavity none. Oesophagus uniform, cylindrical. Intestinal cells not tessellated.  Vulva about posterior third of body.  Uterus unsymmetrical.  Viviparous or oviparous.  Spicules long and narrow.  Accessory piece, when present, single, small.  Ocellus single, often absent.
In all probability, the two species which I have named M. disjuncta and M. ambigua will hereafter be found to belong to a distinct genus; but, not having seen the females of either, I was unwilling to describe them apart, and have therefore placed them temporarily in that genus to which they seemed to be the most nearly allied.
(Description- Bastian, 1865)

Definition:  Monhysterinae.  Cuticle plain or with transverse striae, generally with bristles or setae, irregularly distributed or in submedian rows.  Amphids generally circular.  Head not offset and with indistinct lips but with setae.  Stoma shallow and small, usually  unarmed, thin-walled and leading into funnel-shaped beginning of oesophagus.  Latter cylindrical or nearly so.  Between oesophagus and beginning of intestine a cone-like group of gland cells.  Ocelli may be present in aquatic forms.  Ovary usually single, anterior, outstretched.  Testis single, outstretched.  Spicules paired, gubernaculum often with a posterior process.  Caudal glands present in tapering tail, terminal duct present.  Several species in which female only is known.  The genus is represented in marine, freshwater and soil forms.

Type Species:  Monhystera stagnalis Bastian, 1865

-Goodey, 1963

Species found:     at:
M. filiformis Long's Peak